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mindful reminders

1 - feelings aren’t reliable guides to reality


2 - feelings can influence your perceptions


3 - the thrill wears off, you want some more


4 - we’re born in these machines 
that make whatever it feels good fade
sometimes making us want more 
sometimes making us suffer 


5 - the default mode network takes advantage of free time


6 - you can decide which feeling you engage with


7 - there are different modules trying to get your attention


8 - you can influence which modules win or lose


9 - choose not to be guided by thoughts that are not helpful


10 - the thoughts are arising and 
there is a strong habit of mind
to be identified with them


11 - very strongly conditioned habitual identification
this is how we’ve lived our lives


12 - just as you allow or dismiss 
the spoken thoughts of your neighbours
you can allow or dismiss
the values of your thoughts


13 - the feeling associated to your thoughts
is the glue that attaches it to you


14 - you become a slightly different person 
as you confront situations


15 - boundaries can be dissolved at times


16 - if you are nothing
if you disappear
you can then be all


17 - not attributing essence so strongly to things
can be a source of freedom


18 - green tea still tastes like green tea
you lose the carry forward of that sensation


19 - when you recognize the formlessness of the world
you feel the collective essence of things


20 - this path can lead you to see the world much more clearly


21 - it can make a dent in suffering


22 - you can be all because there’s continuity
a continuity of emptiness, or is it fullness?


23 - natural selection makes us unhappy, unsatisfied, makes us suffer to get us to do the work


24 - we should be skeptical of some of the thoughts and perceptions that feelings foster

wanna listen to us talk about these ideas?

WATCH our Inspirational Classes or read them as blog posts:

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